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24-hour service

Guest Lawyers always have a lawyer on call ready to provide you with relevant and important advice, 24 hours per day.

Who are we?

Guest Lawyers is a Brisbane legal practice specialising in criminal law. At Guest Lawyers we aim to deliver honest, respectful and easy to understand legal advice combined with a determination to reduce the stress associated with your litigation. Getting you the very best result possible and finding the right path for you is our specialty.

Our specialisations

At Guest Lawyers we specialise in the following criminal matters:

  • Criminal charges;
  • All traffic offences and applications;
  • Prosecutions by the Office of Fair Trading and other regulatory bodies;
  • Advocacy for trials and pleas of guilty;
  • Coronial Inquests & Commissions of Inquiry;
  • Confiscations and Appeals in all Jurisdictions;
  • Parole Board decision reviews.
  • We also provide initial consultations (including prisons).

Guest Lawyers | Brisbane Criminal Lawyers Brand Story

The law can be a complex maze. We will help you make the right turns, knock down a few walls and find the path out.

- Adam Guest


Guest Lawyers are one of the leading criminal law firms in Brisbane. Our team of experienced practitioners and criminal law specialists have the expertise to ensure that our clients receive the best possible outcome. Our lawyers appear in all courts in Queensland and regularly represent people charged with criminal and traffic offences in Brisbane, Beenleigh, Ipswich, Toowoomba, the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast. If you are seeking dedicated, expert representation in relation to any criminal or traffic matters, contact Guest Lawyers today.